Monday, January 10, 2005

1/3/05 Roatan, Honduras

We thought that the word Honduras was funny in English, and even funnier in Russian. We sort of abused this word after we had a few beers. This does not mean that we had anything against locals. Its just that it is a funny word.

Roatan (not a funny word) is a 30 mile long island off the coast of Honduras. The island is only 4 miles wide and is pierced through by a main road that runs along the coast. From the port we took a local tour that first went to the east area that is inhabited by locals. It was actually better than we expected in terms of general level of the population.

Off the road, Roatan

The bus tour ended in the West End, the most happening area of the island. This, rather overrated, area hosts a beach, snorkeling and a mile long strip of shops and restaurants.
Eventhogh the area looks busy there is not that much to do, since the shops all sell the same stuff.

West End, Roatan

We camped at Half Moon Bay beach hopeful to do snorkeling. It was fun, but there was no fish.

Half Moon Beach, Roatan

A 10-minute bus ride from West End is beautiful tropical garden. The garden consists of the small cultivated part that hosts lots of tropical plants and a a few trails that go up to the mountain. The mountain trails lead to the plateau with spectacular views of the harbor.

View from tropical garden, Roatan

All pictures from this trip

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