Tuesday, January 11, 2005

1/4/05 St. Tomas, Guatemala

Guatemala seems to be rather sparsely populated. At least from our van window. The van took us to Maya ruins and to the local rain forest.

For over an hour we drove on the main road through palmed hills. Guatemala is beautiful, really green. This green is being continuously consumed by local cows, who seem to be the most lavish cows on this planet.

Unfortunately for us the ruins were not worth the ride. We did manage to take just a few pictures. This beautiful tree was standing in the middle of the ruin site.

Maya historic site, Guatemala

From the ruins we drove for about 1/2 h to the Rio Dulce National Park. We paused on the bridge to take pictures of the Lake Izabal.

Lake Izabal, Guatemala

We then headed to Hacienda Tijax, a lodge by the lake with a restaurant and trails into the rain forrest. We walked the 1-mile long trail (some of us were not exactly happy) to the mountain top. I thought that trip was rather worth our while. Take a look:

Hacienda Tijax, Guatemala

One the way back we walked through 600 feet long hanging bridge. This bridge was hooked together by a few basic cables and wood. Without a doubt this walk added much needed thrill to the entire trip.

All pictures from this trip

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